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Fashion trends that need to die in 2020

Fashion trends that shouldn’t follow us into 2020.

New year, new trends. However, some trends tend to outstay their welcome (or were never even welcome in the first place) and stick around for too long.

One of my previous blogposts ‘Fashion trends that need to die in 2018‘ seemed to be popular, so why not reflect on the trends of 2019 that need to die?

This is a disclaimer: don’t get offended if you like any of these trends; this is just my opinion. If you like to dress like this, I’m sure you’re still a nice person.

Here are the 8 trends that need to disappear in 2020:

1. Cycling shorts

Unless you’re training for the Tour De France, you have no place wearing these outside of a gym. They do not look good with a T shirt, a baggy jumper, a nice top, a shirt, trainers, sandals or heels… they do not look good with anything. I’m sorry, cycling shorts are awful and should not be worn for “every occasion” as Glamour magazine suggests you should.

2. Ridiculously tiny ‘bags’ aka ‘micro bags’

It was the 2010s – where mobile phones started to get bigger and bags became so small the phones cannot fit in them. It is extremely logical… (note the sarcasm).

These are not functional by any means, but fashionable? Also no. There is literally no point in these but to make people look at you and think ‘did that bag get shrunk in the wash?’ or ‘is that person carrying a Barbie doll’s bag?’.

I’m not talking about the bags that are also classed as a ‘wallet on chain’, you know, a device that can actually fit in your credit cards and a set of keys. No, I’m talking about the micro bag by French designer Jacquemus which sparked the tiniest trend yet.

The bag I’m referring to is a massive one inch deep, two inches high and wide and weighs 3oz. You’d be lucky to fit a Lil-let tampon in there.

But don’t worry, for your £200, you’ll also get a dust bag included, and I can see why a dustbag is necessary, because by the looks of it, it’ll only take two specks of dust to disintegrate this thing.

3. Bucket hats

The only person that can get away with wearing a bucket hat, in my opinion, is Billie Eilish. But, even the most stylish celebrities I’ve seen wearing a bucket hat end up looking like a long-lost member of Hanson. Bucket hats paired with floaty dresses and chic suits? For me, it just doesn’t go and looks off-balanced. I guess it works if you’re going straight from fashion week to fishing though.

But maybe I’m just jealous because I struggle to find hats that suit me.


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4. Shoes without socks

I’m talking about the typical Essex boy look here. Leather loafers or trainers worn WITHOUT socks. I mean, some shoes will lend themselves to the ‘no-sock’ rule, such as espadrilles, but fully enclosed leather brogues? That’s just screaming fungal breeding-ground.

Every time I see a guy without socks I want to ask: ‘are your feet not extremely sweaty??’. I’ve even seen some go sockless along with tight, rolled-up chinos to a wedding. Unless its a wedding on the beach, this is not acceptable and Ascot agrees – as men without socks will now be refused entry to the races.

Finally, this trend has introduced the word ‘mankles‘ to the English lexicon. MANKLES! If that’s not a sign to ditch this trend I don’t know what is.

5. Socks and sliders

Now this is why I’m confused… Aforementioned men who don’t wear socks with shoes will also be the ones who wear socks WITH sandals? Oh, the irony.

Socks and sandals has notoriously been a fashion faux-pas, so it’s actually quite impressive that this one has caught on. Well done socks and sandals.

6. Joggers

Couple joggers with the socks and sliders and you’re on track for the perfect outfit for taking the bins out in the morning.

I’m not hating on joggers; they are very cosy. I have many pairs. The reason I wear them is either for slobbing about watching Netflix, travelling or actually jogging (pffft who am I kidding? I don’t jog).

I would just like to campaign for people to stop wearing joggers to restaurants and other public places. Nando’s isn’t Michelin star cuisine, and Odeon doesn’t call for a black-tie dress code, but come on, have some decency to wear actual clothes to go out to eat. And proper shoes with socks too.

7. Saddle bags

Okay, this may be controversial… but the Dior saddle bags and all the liver-shaped replicas that it inspired should have stayed in 1999. I liked it on Carrie Bradshaw in Sex and the City and that’s where my interest in this bag ends. Vintage pieces can bring another layer to a modern outfit, but a brand new copy-and-paste version of the original that has been brought back by Maria Grazia Chiuri still feels out-dated (and over-priced at that).

Carrie Bradshaw played by Sarah Jessica Parker in an episode of 2000's Sex and the City. She wears a Dior saddle bag (original) with a white vest top and a purple flower brooch on the strap.

Photo: Getty Images.

8. Boiler suits

So this last one I’m a bit on the fence about. Perhaps it’s because I’ve not yet found a flattering boiler suit, and yet, it can look quite chic when styled up the right way. However, I can’t really get the image out of my head that if I wore one I’d look like I’m about to shovel some coal or like an extra in ‘Orange is the New Black’.

Trends will come and go

Every year there’ll be some new weird and wonderful clothing styles and I look forward to seeing them. Perhaps we’ll have creative clothes made out of old Tesco uniforms, in the same way the IKEA blue bags had a moment. I was going to say Sainsbury’s in stead of Tesco, but Beyoncé’s brand Ivy Park already has that covered.

Are there any ‘ugly fashion’ trends that you like? What do you think 2020 will bring?

Thanks for reading, please leave a comment and be sure to come back again 🙂

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10 Instagrammable places in Mayfair

*This experience at the Dorchester was gifted by, but all views are my own.

📍Mayfair, London, UK.

Looking for the perfect Instagram spots in London?

Look no further than Mayfair.

Mayfair is arguably one of the prettiest, best-kept areas in London. Well, that’s not a surprise given its status and has the top spot on the Monopoly board. There are few places that you’ll always see on Instagram but you might not necessarily have known where it was.

If you’re coming from out of town and are looking for a location that’s within walking distance of tourist attractions, the West End, shopping and anything really, consider hotels near Mayfair, because whilst it’s amongst all the buzz, it can also be a bit quieter than other areas.


1. The Dorchester

You know us Brits love our tea, and I’m no exception, so when I was invited for afternoon tea at the Dorchester, there was no way I was missing it.

Built in the 1930s and recognised as one the world’s most prestigious hotels known for hosting Hollywood icons throughout history, you can’t imagine a hotel much more luxurious. Walking into the Promenade, you feel the glamour of the Golden Age wash over you.

The waiters and concierges were so amenable and helpful. This experience isn’t just about eating lunch and drinking tea; it’s about receiving the VIP treatment and dining in such a beautiful setting which makes it special. Whether you’re a local or a tourist, an afternoon tea at the Dorchester is simply something you have to do at some point.

Afternoon tea at the Dorchester

2. Sketch

It’s no surprise that bloggers flock to Sketch in Mayfair to get a snap for their ‘gram thanks to its beautiful powder pink decor and velvet furniture. Plus it has a reputation as one of the best restaurants in London with two Michelin stars.



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3. Fortnum and Mason

Okay, so I had to make a trip here. My friend introduced me to the cocktail salon hidden away in the men’s department. It’s a lot quieter and easier to get a comfy chair than its other bars. So, shhh don’t tell too many people about this secret!

It’s well worth a visit here around Christmas time! They have already opened up their Christmas shop. I couldn’t resist getting a tree decoration in the form of their iconic F&M wicker baskets. Expensive but worth it.

Whilst you’re there, stop for a sweet treat in this cute little pastel perfect 50s style ice-cream parlour. Guaranteed to get some really cute selfies here.


4. New bond street

Chanel. Prada. Saint Laurent. Louis Vuitton. Cartier. Tiffany. Name a designer. It’s on this street.
Whether you’re splurging or window shopping, taking photos down this beautiful street is free. So take a snap and upload it to the ‘gram and keep people guessing as to which one you’re doing 😉



5. Dover Street Market

It’s not really a market – not in the traditional sense. It’s not anything like Camden. It’s more a multi-brand retailer or a ‘concept store’ with installations of different boutiques and exhibition areas.
It was created by Rei Kawakubo of the label Comme des Garçons. It also sells streetwear and high-end designers like Gucci and Loewe.

Expect some quirky props like fluffy flamingoes that you can pose in front of!








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COMME des GARÇONS SHIRT Basquiat installation has arrived at Dover Street Market. Ground Floor. @CommeDesGarcons


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6. Burlington Arcade

My first memory of this small shopping lane was when I was a lot younger – we always saw a show at Christmas time after looking at all of the department store Christmas windows. Full of tiny tiny boutiques, it’s really quite a unique place to shop.

Back then, I never recognised any of the brands, but now there are more recognisable ones, like Manolo Blahnik.

Touristy spots

7. Speakers’ Corner on Hyde Park

At the top of Park Lane, I stopped by Speakers’ Corner. If you haven’t heard of this before, it’s basically an area of Hyde Park, where anyone can take their soapbox, and speak until their heart’s content. It’s open-air space for public speaking, debates and discussions.

I saw two interesting characters there this Sunday. An American man wearing a cowboy hat, boots and bootleg denim jeans speaking the word of God, contrasted with a eighty-something-year-old tattooed Eastender, Ronnie, accompanied by his shopping trolley which had a plastic bird perched on the handle.

If you have time I definitely recommend getting involved or just going to listen!

8. Buckingham Palace

Okay, it’s technically not in Mayfair, but it’s just a short walk and if you’re in the area, you might as well pop in to see if Her Majesty is home.

9. Shepherd Market

This has a bit of everything: eateries, shopping, cute houses – definitely a cute place for an outfit shot.
Whilst doing my research, I discovered that this was where Mayfair actually began.
In the 1730s and ’40s local architect, Edward Shepherd started a 15-day market and festival to become Shepherd Market Mayfair.

And you just have to go and see the Christmas lights there in December.



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Festive wishes from a very quiet Shepherd Market • • • #shepherdmarket #mayfair #5hertfordstreet #christmasinmayfair

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10. Marble Arch

Cute fountains and 19th-century architecture – such a photogenic spot. This was erected as the state entrance to Buckingham Palace. It’s just at the end of Oxford Street, so if you’re out doing some shopping around Westminster you may eventually reach it. It’s based on the Arc de Triomphe in Paris… see the similarities?

I hope you enjoyed this post! Has it inspired you to go to any of these places? Anywhere you would recommend? Leave me a comment 🙂 As always, thanks for reading!

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Be kind this Christmas: this one gift will help the homeless

How you can easily help the homeless this Christmas by buying a £10 calendar

‘It’s the most wonderful time of year’ as it’s famously sung. For others, though, Christmas can be cruel.

A couple of days ago I was wandering around Spitalfields Market, walking amongst the stalls and the Christmas lights; everything felt so festive.

I was stopped by a volunteer with a charity box. A lot of people would be thinking, like I did: ‘what am I going to be roped into now?’.

But I stayed to listen. And I’m glad I did.

I had just been wandering around the city doing a spot of Christmas shopping. I saw something sparkly in the window of a luxury watch boutique with a price tag that had a few noughts on the end. I thought, “I wish I could just go in and buy that!”

Then, I feel a pang of guilt as I thought about people sleeping rough, who are probably wishing they could afford a £3 sandwich.

That’s when this lovely lady approached me and explained Café Art’s initiative: the MY LONDON calendar.

Café Art 2018 MYLONDON calendar

In the middle of Spitalfields Market there is currently a photography exhibition of stunning imagery of London life.

COVER OF 2018 CALENDAR: Angel Kid, Shoreditch.

Cover of 2018 Calendar:

All of the photos you see were taken on disposable cameras and by homeless people. And they are amazing.

This is what the MY LONDON calendar is all about:

Thirteen beautiful photographs, taken by 100 homeless people over five days, are part of the 2018 MyLondon calendar.

“Every year we have a photography contest with disposable cameras. We give them out with the goal of empowering people affected by homelessness – to give them skills, confidence and eventually to earn some money by selling the photos and the annual MyLondon calendar.

On 30 June 2017, 100 Fujifilm one-time-use cameras were given out at St Paul’s Cathedral. The goal was not to focus on homelessness, but to capture the London they love.”

I love this whole idea. The photos are stunning and showcased some beautiful hidden sides to London. It makes sense that I should buy the calendar. London is my favourite place, the photos are amazing and you get to give back at the same time. It is wonderful to allow people to be creative in this way, and benefit from it, in more ways than just monetary. Plus, the calendar is such good quality.

This is such an easy way you can be a part of this amazing project. Just pick up a copy when you’re out Christmas shopping or just add it to your basket if you’re online; it’s easy. By buying the calendar, we help complete the circle and give back to those people who captured such brilliant shots of the city.

Buy the calendar here!

If you’re getting one anyway, it might as well be this one.

So, for 2018, instead of buying a Harry Styles calendar or whatever, why not give a gift with a purpose that gives back?

*Image belongs to Michelle Goldberg and Café Art in the 2018 calendar. Buy your own copy here.

It was lovely to meet you, Café Art!

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