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Be kind this Christmas: this one gift will help the homeless

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How you can easily help the homeless this Christmas by buying a £10 calendar

‘It’s the most wonderful time of year’ as it’s famously sung. For others, though, Christmas can be cruel.

A couple of days ago I was wandering around Spitalfields Market, walking amongst the stalls and the Christmas lights; everything felt so festive.

I was stopped by a volunteer with a charity box. A lot of people would be thinking, like I did: ‘what am I going to be roped into now?’.

But I stayed to listen. And I’m glad I did.

I had just been wandering around the city doing a spot of Christmas shopping. I saw something sparkly in the window of a luxury watch boutique with a price tag that had a few noughts on the end. I thought, “I wish I could just go in and buy that!”

Then, I feel a pang of guilt as I thought about people sleeping rough, who are probably wishing they could afford a £3 sandwich.

That’s when this lovely lady approached me and explained Café Art’s initiative: the MY LONDON calendar.

Café Art 2018 MYLONDON calendar

In the middle of Spitalfields Market there is currently a photography exhibition of stunning imagery of London life.

COVER OF 2018 CALENDAR: Angel Kid, Shoreditch.

Cover of 2018 Calendar:

All of the photos you see were taken on disposable cameras and by homeless people. And they are amazing.

This is what the MY LONDON calendar is all about:

Thirteen beautiful photographs, taken by 100 homeless people over five days, are part of the 2018 MyLondon calendar.

“Every year we have a photography contest with disposable cameras. We give them out with the goal of empowering people affected by homelessness – to give them skills, confidence and eventually to earn some money by selling the photos and the annual MyLondon calendar.

On 30 June 2017, 100 Fujifilm one-time-use cameras were given out at St Paul’s Cathedral. The goal was not to focus on homelessness, but to capture the London they love.”

I love this whole idea. The photos are stunning and showcased some beautiful hidden sides to London. It makes sense that I should buy the calendar. London is my favourite place, the photos are amazing and you get to give back at the same time. It is wonderful to allow people to be creative in this way, and benefit from it, in more ways than just monetary. Plus, the calendar is such good quality.

This is such an easy way you can be a part of this amazing project. Just pick up a copy when you’re out Christmas shopping or just add it to your basket if you’re online; it’s easy. By buying the calendar, we help complete the circle and give back to those people who captured such brilliant shots of the city.

Buy the calendar here!

If you’re getting one anyway, it might as well be this one.

So, for 2018, instead of buying a Harry Styles calendar or whatever, why not give a gift with a purpose that gives back?

*Image belongs to Michelle Goldberg and Café Art in the 2018 calendar. Buy your own copy here.

It was lovely to meet you, Café Art!

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